Silversmithing & Jewellery Classes
York School of Jewellery provides a wide range of tuition in silversmithing for people of all abilities. This ranges from taster sessions which allow people to experience working in a fully equipped workshop to regular classes that allow the student to develop at their own pace and specialist courses focusing on specific areas of silversmithing and associated skills.
Jewellery Classes
Our classes currently run at the following times:
Tuesday: 10am - 12 noon, 1pm - 3pm and 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday: 10am - 12 noon, 1pm - 3pm and 6pm - 8pm
Thursday: 6pm - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 12 noon and 1pm - 3pm
Classes are £22.50 per session bought in blocks of four sessions (£90.00). For the first project consumables and materials are charged at a minimal additional cost. Thereafter, we provide information on trade suppliers and materials advice suitable for the individual student.
York School of Jewellery provide day, evening and weekend classes in silversmithing and design. There are a maximum of 8 students per class. Within this framework we can safely work on a one-to-one basis, enabling each student to pursue their own goals at their own pace. Students of all levels are guided through health and safety protocols at all stages of their work.
Those that are new to silversmithing (who are always very welcome) are taught the basic but essential skills including measuring, marking, piercing, filing, hammering and soldering. The more experienced students are actively encouraged to develop their design and making skills. Classes at this level are student led. These classes are of two hours duration and run during the day and evenings throughout the week. Classes also run on Saturdays. Classes run continuously throughout the year.
Silversmithing Classes
Our classes currently run at the following times:
Tuesday: 10am - 12 noon, 1pm - 3pm and 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday: 10am - 12 noon, 1pm - 3pm and 6pm - 8pm
Thursday: 6pm - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 12 noon and 1pm - 3pm
Classes are £22.50 per session bought in blocks of four sessions (£90.00). For the first project consumables and materials are charged at a minimal additional cost. Thereafter, we provide information on trade suppliers and materials advice suitable for the individual student.
York School of Jewellery provide day, evening and weekend classes in silversmithing and design. There are a maximum of 4 students per class. Within this framework we can safely work on a one-to-one basis, enabling each student to pursue their own goals at their own pace. Students of all levels are guided through health and safety protocols at all stages of their work.
Those that are new to silversmithing (who are always very welcome) are taught the basic but essential skills including measuring, marking, piercing, filing, hammering and soldering. The more experienced students are actively encouraged to develop their design and making skills. Classes at this level are student led. These classes are of two hours duration and run during the day and evenings throughout the week. Classes also run on Saturdays. Classes run continuously throughout the year.
Tuition at York School of Jewellery
Students of York School of Jewellery are also able to use the School's registered mark to hallmark their work. All silver, gold and platinum pieces made by students hallmarked without the additional cost of applying for individual makers marks. They also have access to a comprehensive non-lending book library.
Free tea, coffee and biscuits are always available for all students (not currently available due to covid restrictions). There is no upper age limit to our classes but we reserve the right to asses younger students.
We often find that potential students are confused by the terms jewellery and silversmithing.
Jewellery is an item of body adornment eg ring, bracelet, neckpiece.
Silversmithing is making items out of silver that are not jewellery eg bowls, candlesticks and coffee pots. With the demise of the coppersmith and tinsmith etc, larger items made from base metals are now also included in this group.
Frequently Asked Questions
I want to book classes. Where is the online booking form?
We (deliberately) don’t take bookings online. The best way to book (preferred) is by phone. Alternatively you could email us.
Do you offer qualifications?
No we don’t for several reasons. Probably the most important one is that nobody is interested in qualifications, certainly not clients. As an example, in 45+ years Nik has never been asked about his qualifications (BA.Hons 3D Design (silversmithing) Ph.d Japanese Shakudo and Shibuichi alloys).
Can I split my classes over several months?
Classes are booked in blocks of four lessons, to be taken to on the same day of the week, at the same time, on consecutive weeks.
Can I do silversmithing and jewellery?
Absolutely! But please remember that they are completely different disciplines.